In the Lemon C++ Graph Library, given a node in an undirected graph say, how does one find other nodes that are edge connected?
I'll have a go at this even though I'm rusty with C++ and haven't used Lemon before:
for (ListDigraph::OutArcIt arcIt(graph, node); arcIt != INVALID; ++arcIt) {
Arc arc(*arcIt); // Lemon iterators are supposed to be convertible to items
// without operator*, so arc(a) might work too.
Node oppositeNode( g.oppositeNode(node, arc) );
// Do something with the opposite node.
I used this: LEMON -- an Open Source C++ Graph Template Library
... and this: LEMON: Graph Class Reference
... and I've done a reasonable amount of work with graph theory over the years.
I hope it helps.