
sequence points in c

A sequence point in imperative programming defines any point in a computer program's execution at which it is guaranteed that all side effects of previous evaluations will have been performed, and no side effects from subsequent evaluations have yet been performed.

What does this mean? Can somebody please explain it in simple words?


  • When a sequence point occurs, it basically means that you are guaranteed that all previous operations are complete.

    Changing a variable twice without an intervening sequence point is one example of undefined behaviour.

    For example, i = i++; is undefined because there's no sequence point between the two changes to i.

    Note that it's not just changing a variable twice that can cause a problem. It's actually a change involved with any other use. The standard uses the term "value computation and side effect" when discussing how things are sequenced. For example, in the expression a = i + i++, the i (value computation) and i++ (side effect) may be done in arbitrary order.

    Wikipedia has a list of the sequence points in the C and C++ standards although the definitive list should always be taken from the ISO standard. From C11 appendix C (paraphrased):

    The following are the sequence points described in the standard: