
Angular2: replace host element with component's template

I'm new to angular in general and to angular2 specifically. I'm trying to write a container component, which should have child components in it.

For example, container component:

  selector: 'my-list',
  template: `
export class MyList {

Child component:

import { Component } from 'angular2/core'

  selector: 'my-item',
  template: `
export class MyItem {

I'd like to make this structure:


To be rendered to the following one:


But instead, I have the host element of the container and the items preserved as well:


Plunk is available here

Question: is there a way to eliminate the host elements and to leave only the rendered template?


  • Finally I found solution: injecting ElementRef to MyItem and using its nativeElement.innerHTML:


    import { Component, ContentChildren, QueryList } from 'angular2/core'
    import { MyItem } from './myitem'
      selector: 'my-list',
      template: `
          <li *ngFor="#item of items" [innerHTML]="item.innerHTML"></li>
    export class MyList {
      @ContentChildren(MyItem) items: QueryList<MyItem>


    import { Directive, Inject, ElementRef } from 'angular2/core'
    @Directive({selector: 'my-item'})
    export class MyItem {
      constructor(@Inject(ElementRef) element: ElementRef) {
        this.innerHTML = element.nativeElement.innerHTML

    Working plunk is here