
Hide deis application using dns, heroku style

I've got a deis cluster correctly setup. Everything is working fine, deploys, scales, etc. It is set at a domain that I will call mydeiscluster.com

Now it has come to the part where I need to hide the application foo, which is accessed by foo.mydeiscluster.com behind using my other domain DNS. I want that dashboard.myotherdomain.com masks foo.mydeiscluster.com, just like it would happend using heroku.

Has anyone done that?

Just setting the CNAME record on myotherdomain.com does not work, I need some config on deis but I was not able to find it using the docs.

Any clues?


  • I believe you are looking for a Custom Domain, which adds support for alternate CNAMEs to your existing app. You can set this with:

    deis domains:add dashboard.myotherdomain.com -a foo

    This will ensure traffic addressed to dashboard.myotherdomain.com is routed to the foo application. Note you must configure DNS to point to the Deis router mesh.