
Modifying selected email subject

In my work I handle over a hundred emails in a day and I always have to add my initials to the front of the subject so others know that I have taken it.

Currently in Outlook 2013 I have to double click the email, mouseclick to the front of the subject, add my initials and /, and then close the email and answer yes to the question "Do you want to change the subject."

I have tried to create a vba button for doing this for me, code is below, but I just can't get it to work. The Error code while running from editor is: Run-time error '424': Object required. while using macrobutton in outlook, absolutely nothing happens. Macro security is set to notify.

So, any help or complete rewriting of the code would be much appreciated!

Sub Nimmarit()
Dim aItem As Object

Set aItem = obj.AppApplication.ActiveExplorer.Selection()

Dim strTemp As String
Dim strFilenum As String

strFilenum = "JK/"

If strFilenum = False Then Exit Sub
If strFilenum = "" Then Exit Sub

strTemp = "[" & strFilenum & "] " & aItem.Subject
    aItem.Subject = strTemp
End Sub


  • Try the following

    Sub Nimmarit()
        Dim olItem As MailItem
        Dim sFilenum As String
        sFilenum = "JK/ "
        If Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No Items selected!", vbCritical, "Error"
        End If
        '// Process each selected Mail Item
        For Each olItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
            olItem.Subject = "[" & sFilenum & "] " & olItem.Subject
        Next olItem
    End Sub