I have used the following VBA code to calculate age on a specific date. With this VBA code i can only get difference only in years.
How can I get the age in format of "XX Years, YY Months, ZZ Days"
Sub ageCalculator()
Dim w As Date
Dim x As Date
w = InputBox("Enter Date of Birth")
x = InputBox("Enter <age on> date")
Range("a2").Value = DateDiff("yyyy", w, x) & "Years"
End Sub
If I add & DateDiff("yyyymm", w, x) & "Months" & DateDiff("mmdd", w, x) & "Days"
it says Run-time error "5":
How can I get age or difference of two dates as above mentioned formate?
Try playing with something like this
Dim a As Date ' Date of birth
Dim b As Date ' Age on date
Dim c As Date ' Temp date
Dim d As Date ' temp date
a = DateSerial(1970, 10, 1)
b = DateSerial(2016, 1, 1)
Dim intYears As Integer
intYears = DateDiff("yyyy", a, b) - IIf(Month(b) < Month(a), 1, 0)
Dim intMonths As Integer
c = DateAdd("yyyy", intYears, a)
intMonths = DateDiff("m", c, b)- IIf(day(b) < day(a), 1, 0)
Dim intDays As Integer
d = DateAdd("m", intMonths, c)
intDays = DateDiff("d", d, b)