
Vimperator: Follow hint in new tab and switch to it

I am trying to find a strategy in the Vimperator-logic for opening a link to a new tab and switch to it immediately. I guess this might be a TMTOWTDI.

My first approach would be to start off with a :command sequence. Unfortunately F - Follow hint in background tab - has no equivalent in the command mode. The best solution for me would be without any change in default behaviour whatsoever.

Another approach might be to combine the default F with switching to next tag gt. This would have to include to pass the parameter for F, say 10 for the tenth link of the document. Unfortunately F10gt does open the tenth link but without switching to the newly opened tab.

A third approach does come to mind when using focus elements: ;y10 yank the destination link, :tabopen + paste clipboard content.

Any ideas of what is doable and the easiest?


  • This functionality exists as a mode of the hint function. Pressing ;t will produce the desired result. If you want to map it you can also access the javascript directly.
