
How to store User Fitness / Fitness Device data in FHIR?

We are currently in the process of evaluating FHIR for use as part of our medical record infrastructure. For the EHR data (Allergies, Visits, Rx, etc..) the HL7 FHIR seems to have an appropriate mapping.

However, lots of data that we deal with is related to personal Fitness - think Fitbit or Apple HealthKit:

While there is the Observation resource, this still seems best fit (!) for the EHR domain. In particular, the user fitness data is not collected during a visit and is not human-verified.

The goal is to find a "standardized FIHR way" to model this sort of data.

The FHIR Registry did not seem to contain any User-Fitness specific Observation Profiles and none of the Proposed Resources seem to add appropriate resource-refinements.

At the end of the day, it would be nice to be able to claim to be able to - with minimal or no translation, ie. in a "standard manner" - be able to exchange User Fitness data as an FHIR stream.


  • Certainly the intent is to use Observation, and there's lots of projects already doing this.

    There's no need for extensions, it's just a straight forward use. Note that this: " In particular the user fitness data is not collected during a visit and is not human-verified" doesn't matter. There's lots of EHR data of dubious provenance...

    You just need to use the right codes, and bingo, it all works. I've provided a bit more detail to the answer here: http://www.healthintersections.com.au/?p=2487