
Backwards compatibility in .NET with BinaryFormatter

We use BinaryFormatter in a C# game, to save user game progress, game levels, etc. We are running into the problem of backwards compatibility.

The aims:

The solution needs to be completely invisible to users and level designers, and minimally burden coders who want to change something (e.g. rename a field because they thought of a better name).

Some object graphs we serialize are rooted in one class, some in others. Forward compatibility is not needed.

Potentially breaking changes (and what happens when we serialize the old version and deserialize into the new):

I have read about:

My current solution:


for(int i = loadedData.version; i < CurrentVersion; i++)
    // Update() takes an instance of OldVersions.VersionX.TheClass
    // and returns an instance of OldVersions.VersionXPlus1.TheClass
    loadedData.data = Update(loadedData.data, i);

Some problems with that:

This should be a really common problem. How do people usually solve it?


  • Tough one. I would dump binary and use XML serialization (easier to manage, tolerant to changes that are not too extreme - like adding / removing fields). In more extreme cases it is easier to write a transform (xslt perhaps) from one version to another and keep the classes clean. If opacity and small disk footprint are a requirement you can try to compress the data before writing to disk.