I want to test function calls with optional arguments.
Here is my code:
list_get(key, "city", 0)
list_get(key, 'contact_no', 2, {}, policy)
list_get(key, "contact_no", 0)
list_get(key, "contact_no", 1, {}, policy, "")
list_get(key, "contact_no", 0, 888)
I am not able to parametrize it due to optional arguments, so I have written separate test functions for each api call in pytest
I believe there should be better way of testing this one.
You may be able to use the *
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args,expected', [
([], expVal0),
([key, "city", 0], expVal1),
([key, 'contact_no', 2, {}, policy], expVal2)
([key, "contact_no", 0], expVal3)
([key, "contact_no", 1, {}, policy, ""], expVal4)
([key, "contact_no", 0, 888], expVal5)
def test_list_get(args, expected):
assert list_get(*args) == expected