
Named Entity recognition in Gate using LingPipe

I'm using GATE NLP to process my document, and I want to Use entity names to use as tag candidates In Gate there are OpenNLP and LingPipe as I read an answer form here @Shashikant Kore answer he said

if you have the sentence "My friend Joe Smith went to the Walmart store", OpenNLP identifies two named entities - "Joe Smith" and "Walmart". I couldn't get it tag "Joe Smith" as Person and "Walmart" as Organization.

and suggests to use LingPipe so I used LingPipe that provided in Gate NLP like here

SerialAnalyserController pipeline = (SerialAnalyserController) Factory.createResource("gate.creole.SerialAnalyserController");
        pipeline.add((ProcessingResource) Factory.createResource("gate.lingpipe.TokenizerPR"));
        pipeline.add((ProcessingResource) Factory.createResource("gate.lingpipe.NamedEntityRecognizerPR"));
        pipeline.add((ProcessingResource) Factory.createResource("gate.lingpipe.POSTaggerPR"));
        pipeline.add((ProcessingResource) Factory.createResource("gate.lingpipe.SentenceSplitterPR"));
        Corpus corpus = Factory.newCorpus("SegmenterCorpus");
        Document document = Factory.newDocument(handler.toString());

However, when I run my program I have this Exception

Exception in thread "main" gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException: No model file provided! at gate.lingpipe.NamedEntityRecognizerPR.init( at gate.lingpipe.NamedEntityRecognizerPR.init(

whats the meaning by No model file provided ?? sorry because I'm asking this question but I'm totally new to this field and I just learn about ANNIE and it didn't need any file when I used it to extract the POS tagging any help??


  • Finally it works for me.

    I tried File -> Ready Made Applications -> LingPipe -> LingPipe IE System in the GATE GUI. And it has been loaded OK.

    The working Model was: $gatehome$plugins/LingPipe/resources/models/ne-en-news-muc6.AbstractCharLmRescoringChunker

    The full relevant config for gate.lingpipe.NamedEntityRecognizerPR was:


    GATE screen clip