
PVRTexTool, is there a way to run it on multiple files at once?

I am using PVRTexTool to convert png files to pvr files but the tool seems to only be able to run on one file at a time(wont accept *.png as file name).

does anyone know how to run it on a group of files at once?

Its really a hassle to run it on all of my textures.


  • In a shell, run

    for file in *.png ;  do
         PVRTexToll $file

    (I don't know how to call PVRTeXTool from a command line, so please substitute the second line with a correct version) This is a general way to feed each file to a command which only accepts one file at a time. See any introduction on shell scripting, e.g. this discussion of the for loop.