
How to get UI Bootstrap Tabs to send an event when tab is changed

<uib-tabset type="tabs">
  <uib-tab heading="Event Workflow Activities">
    <div ng-include src="'webapp/event/EventWorkflowActivities.tpl.html'"></div>        

I am using UI Bootstrap Tabs like above, is there any way to get broadcast an event when you switch between tabs?


  • You can use the select attribute on the tab to execute a function in your controller that does the broadcast. Like this:

    <uib-tabset type="tabs">
        <uib-tab heading="Event Workflow Activities" select="tabSelected()">
                <div ng-include src="'webapp/event/EventWorkflowActivities.tpl.html'"></div>        

    Add the select attribute like above that points to a function in your controller. I named this one tabSelected();

    Now in your controller create the function:

    $scope.tabSelected = function () {
        //Broadcast or emit your event here.
        // firing an event upwards
        $scope.$emit('yourEvent', 'data');
        // firing an event downwards
        $scope.$broadcast('yourEvent', {
          someProp: 'value'

    Take a look at the documentation for more information.