
Events not reaching kurento java server

I'm new to Kurento media server, I am trying to send an event from kurento media server to the java application which I have.

I have created an event using the following steps:

edited the interface json file:

"events": [{
    "properties": [{
        "name": "Total",
        "doc": "Total",
        "type": "float"
    "extends": "Media",
    "name": "TotalDetected",
    "doc": "Total Detected."

then in my .hpp file:

sigc::signal<void, TotalDetected> signalTotalDetected;

and in my .cpp file:

try {
    GST_WARNING ("Sending Event: TotalDetected");
    TotalDetected event (shared_from_this(), "Total-detected", total);
        signalTotalDetected (event);
    GST_WARNING ("Sent Event: TotalDetected");
    } catch (std::bad_weak_ptr &e) { 
    GST_WARNING ("EXCEPTION: Total detected ");

and in my java server I have registered to the event using:

totalFilter.addTotalDetectedListener(new EventListener<TotalDetectedEvent>() {
    public void onEvent(TotalDetectedEvent event) {"\n\nTotal Detected Event By:"+event.getTotal());

but after doing all this, I am unable to receive any event from kms, I looked into the kms logs I am getting the logs of event being sent but I am not getting any event on java server side.

Is there anything I am missing in the code?

Edit 1: on eclipse console I get this log

[KurentoClient]  Req->
[KurentoClient]  <-Res 

Edit 2: Following is the output of dpkg -l | egrep -i "kurento|nice|kms"

ii  gstreamer0.10-nice:amd64      -> 0.1.4-1                                   
ii  gstreamer1.0-nice:amd64       -> 0.1.4-1                                   
ii  gstreamer1.5-nice:amd64       ->
ii  kms-cmake-utils               -> 1.3.0.trusty                              
ii  kms-core-6.0                  -> 6.4.0.trusty                              
ii  kms-core-6.0-dev              -> 6.4.0.trusty                              
ii  kms-elements-6.0              -> 6.4.0.trusty                              
ii  kms-elements-6.0-dev          -> 6.4.0.trusty                              
ii  kms-filters-6.0               -> 6.4.0.trusty                              
ii  kms-filters-6.0-dev           -> 6.4.0.trusty                              
ii  kms-jsonrpc-1.0               -> 1.1.0.trusty                              
ii  kms-jsonrpc-1.0-dev           -> 1.1.0.trusty                              
ii  kmsjsoncpp                    -> 1.6.3~20160119154506.38.g263929e.trusty   
ii  kmsjsoncpp-dev                -> 1.6.3~20160119154506.38.g263929e.trusty   
ii  kurento-media-server-6.0      -> 6.4.0.trusty                              
ii  kurento-media-server-6.0-dev  -> 6.4.0.trusty                              
ii  kurento-module-creator-4.0    -> 4.0.4.trusty                              
ii  libnice-dev                   -> 
ii  libnice10:amd64               -> 


  • Try upgrading your libnice version to 0.1.13 this is the source of the errors with some ice candidates. Let's see if this solves the issue with the events.