
Oracle Enterprise Manager rounding tablespace size?

Does Oracle Enterprise Manager round values or am I missing something in my SQL query?

OEM is showing the tablespace size for SYSAUX as 2GB. But, when I query the dba_data_files table, I get 1940 MB. You can see the query I'm using in the image below.

enter image description here


  • Have a look at this topic: Binary prefix

    You have 2,034,237,440 Bytes.

    When you do 2,034,237,440 / 1024 /1024 then you get 1,940 MiBytes (not MBytes!)

    2,034,237,440 Bytes is equal to 2.034237440 GBytes, I assume this is just rounded to 2 GB.

    However, Oracle Enterprise Manager may does the same error as so many other people, see section Inconsistent use of units