public void configureGlobalSecurity(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
my example works fine. For example for
// ...
.antMatchers("/db/**").access("hasRole('ADMIN') and hasRole('DBA')")
If I have changed inMemoryAuthentication to spring jdbc default - i got an role issue than.
public void configureGlobalSecurity(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
I sure I configured db and schema using spring recommendations (to be able to use default jdbc authentication).
In debug mode I can see result of loading from db in the
#loadUserByUsername(username)[line 208]
return createUserDetails(username, user, dbAuths);
It returns similar result with in memory configuration:
Username: dba;
Password: [PROTECTED];
Enabled: true;
AccountNonExpired: true;
credentialsNonExpired: true;
AccountNonLocked: true;
Granted Authorities: ADMIN,DBA
As you can see it loads correspond Granted Authorities, but http request redirects me to .accessDeniedPage("/Access_Denied"). I confused because It should work for user like time before.
I do not use spring boot in my project. My logs does not contain any configuration of jdbc errors. I have spend a lot of time to investigate details and my ideas have just finished. Do you think I need add to build some cache libraries or something else?
There are 2 gotchas in play here.
The first is that when using hasRole('ADMIN')
that first a check is done if it starts with the role prefix (for which the default is ROLE_
) if not the passed in role is prefix with it (see also the reference guide). So in this case the actual authority checked is ROLE_ADMIN
and not ADMIN
as you expect/assume.
The second is that when using the in memory option the roles
method does the same as mentioned here. It checks if the passed in roles start with the role prefix and if not adds it. So in your sample with the in memory one you end up with authorities ROLE_ADMIN
However in your JDBC option you have authorities ADMIN
and DBA
and hence the hasRole('ADMIN')
check fails because ROLE_ADMIN
isn't equal to ADMIN
To fix you have several options.
use hasAuthority
the latter doesn't add the role prefix and for the in memory option use authorities
instead of roles
First change the configuration of the in memory database to use authorities
instead of roles
next change your expressions as well
.antMatchers("/db/**").access("hasAuthority('ADMIN') and hasAuthority('DBA')")
In the script that inserts the authorities prefix the authorities with ROLE_
This is a bit tricky and is extensivly described in [the migration guide].
There is no easy configuration option and requires a BeanPostProcessor
public class DefaultRolesPrefixPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor, PriorityOrdered {
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
throws BeansException {
// remove this if you are not using JSR-250
if(bean instanceof Jsr250MethodSecurityMetadataSource) {
((Jsr250MethodSecurityMetadataSource) bean).setDefaultRolePrefix(null);
if(bean instanceof DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler) {
((DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler) bean).setDefaultRolePrefix(null);
if(bean instanceof DefaultWebSecurityExpressionHandler) {
((DefaultWebSecurityExpressionHandler) bean).setDefaultRolePrefix(null);
if(bean instanceof SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter) {
return bean;
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)
throws BeansException {
return bean;
public int getOrder() {
return PriorityOrdered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE;