
Cloudera Hadoop - Daemons not running

I'm self learning Hadoop and started of with installing Cloudera QuickVM on a VMware Workstation running CENT OS.

I was under the impression that Quickstart VM has most the of configurations predefined. Do I need to set up any other configurations to set up data and name node? Reason being when I type JFS I get only

[cloudera@quickstart bin]$ jps </n>

9480 RunJar </n>

18607 Jps 6952 </n>


I don't see any data nodes nor name nodes.I looked it up online and solution was to start the daemons using But I get an error

[cloudera@quickstart hadoop]$

bash: command not found

Another round of research landed me in this

As suggested in that answer, when I ran bin/hadoop namenode -format

[cloudera@quickstart hadoop]$ bin/hadoop namenode -format

bash: bin/hadoop: No such file or directory

I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with motivation for self study getting really low. Please help with a suggestion and raise up my spirits.

P.S.: I'm an extreme beginner on Hadoop, so please don't be harsh on me if the question looks stupid to you :)


  • Finally, I found out how to start services on cloudera quickstart vm with some help from the community.

    service hadoop-hdfs-namenode start

    Now when i run JPS, I can see all the daemons running,

    [root@quickstart cloudera]# jps
    2374 JobHistoryServer
    2070 NameNode
    3294 RunJar
    4445 Bootstrap
    2947 -- process information unavailable
    2196 SecondaryNameNode
    1840 QuorumPeerMain
    1908 DataNode
    3094 RunJar
    3777 Master
    2865 RESTServer
    2594 ResourceManager
    2327 Bootstrap
    3663 Bootstrap
    2451 NodeManager
    1999 JournalNode
    3111 Jps
    3684 HistoryServer
    4784 Bootstrap

    Thanks a lot for your attention.