
battery consuming tasks when launched in the background

Apple states that the app using the background mode shouldn't perform expensive, battery consuming tasks when launched in the background. What exactly is considered a batter consuming task? To be specific: is searching and array of 100 entries acceptable? What about 1000?


  • A battery-consuming task is just that - a task that uses so much CPU that it makes considerable "dent" on the battery, as measured by the "battery percentage" screen. To that end, searching 100, 1000, or 1000000 items a single time is unlikely to do any damage. On the other hand, searching a 10-item list fifty times a second is very likely to make your task a high energy consumer. Same goes for downloading data multiple times per minute, using location services, etc.

    A rule of thumb is very simple: go to the "Last 24 hours" view of the "Battery percentage" screen, and see if your app is listed there. If it is not there, of if it is below "Home & Lock Screen", your app is fine.