
How to connect queues to a ZeroMQ PUB/SUB

Consider the following:

A logical service, let's say S1, publishes a message M1 that is of interest to logical services S2 and S3. Only one process of each logical service must receive M1, so let's say S2P1 and S3P2.

I have tried the following, but without success:

I figured that the XSUB/XPUB proxy would give me publish/subscribe semantics and that the ROUTER/DEALER proxies would introduce a competition between the REP sockets for the messages sent by the XSUB/XPUB proxy.

How can I combine ZeroMQ sockets to accomplish this?


I know "without success" isn't helpful, I've tried different configurations and got different errors. The latest configuration I tried is the following:

(XSUB proxy=> XPUB) => (SUB copyLoop=> REQ) => (ROUTER proxy=> DEALER) => REP

The copyLoop goes like this:

public void start() {
    context = ZMQ.context(1);

    subSocket = context.socket(ZMQ.SUB);

    reqSocket = context.socket(ZMQ.REQ);

    while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
        final Message msg = receiveNextMessage();

private Message receiveNextMessage() {
    final String header = subSocket.recvStr();
    final String entity = subSocket.recvStr();

    return new Message(header, entity);

private void resendMessage(Message msg) {
    reqSocket.send(msg.getData(), 0);

The exception I get is the following:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot send another request
    at zmq.Req.xsend( ~[jeromq-0.3.4.jar:na]
    at zmq.SocketBase.send( ~[jeromq-0.3.4.jar:na]
    at org.zeromq.ZMQ$Socket.send( ~[jeromq-0.3.4.jar:na]
    at org.zeromq.ZMQ$Socket.sendMore( ~[jeromq-0.3.4.jar:na]
    at ~[classes/:na]
    at ~[classes/:na]

I'm running JeroMQ 0.3.4, Oracle Java 8 JVM and Windows 7.


  • You seem to be adding in some complexity with your ROUTER connection - you should be able to do everything connected directly to your publisher.

    The error you're currently running into is that REQ sockets have a strict message ordering pattern - you are not allowed to send() twice in a row, you must send/receive/send/receive/etc (likewise, REP sockets must receive/send/receive/send/etc). From what it looks like, you're just doing send/send/send/etc on your REQ socket without ever receiving a response. If you don't care about a response from your peer, then you must receive and discard it or use DEALER (or ROUTER, but DEALER makes more sense in your current diagram).

    I've created a diagram of how I would accomplish this architecture below - using your basic process structure.

    Broker T1         Broker T2                Broker T3                Broker T4
    (PUB*)------>(*SUB)[--](DEALER*)   -->(*SUB)[--](DEALER*)   -->(*SUB)[--](DEALER*)
           |_____________________||____|                  ||    |                  ||
           |_____________________||_______________________||____|                  ||
                                 ||                       ||                       ||
         ========================||     ==================||            ===========||=
       ||             ||              ||              ||              ||              ||
       ||             ||              ||              ||              ||              ||
       ||             ||              ||              ||              ||              ||
    (REP*)         (REP*)          (REP*)          (REP*)          (REP*)          (REP*)
     S1P1           S1P2            S2P1            S2P2            S3P1            S3P2

    So, the main difference is that I've ditched your (SUB copyLoop=> REQ) step. Whether you choose XPUB/XSUB vs PUB/SUB is up to you, but I would tend to start simpler unless you currently want to make use of the extra features of XPUB/XSUB.

    Obviously this diagram doesn't deal with how information enters your broker, where you currently show an XSUB socket - that's out of scope for the information you've provided thus far, presumably you're able to receive information into your broker successfully already so I won't deal with that.

    I assume your broker threads that are dedicated to each service are making intelligent choices on whether to send the message to their service or not? If so, then your choice of having them subscribed to everything should work fine, otherwise more intelligent subscription setups might be necessary.

    If you're using a REP socket on your service processes, then the service process must take that message and deal with it asynchronously, never communicating back any details about that message to the broker. It must then respond to each message with an acknowledgement (like "RECEIVED") so that it follows the strict receive/send/receive/send pattern for REP sockets.

    If you want any other type of communication about how the service handles that message sent back to the broker, REP is no longer the appropriate socket type for your service processes, and DEALER may no longer be the correct socket type for your broker. If you want some form of load balancing so that you send to the next open service process, you'll need to use ROUTER/REQ and have each service indicate its availability and have the broker hold on to the message until the next service process says its available by sending results back. If you want some other type of message handling, you'll have to indicate what that is so a suitable architecture can be proposed.