I'm trying to set a connection timeout with Groovy HTTPBuilder and for the life of me can't find a way.
Using plain ol' URL it's easy:
def client = new URL("https://search.yahoo.com/search?q=foobar")
def result = client.getText( readTimeout: 1 )
This throws a SocketTimeoutException, but that's not quite what I want. For a variety of reasons, I'd rather use HTTPBuilder or better RESTClient.
This does work:
def client = new HTTPBuilder()
def result = client.request("https://search.yahoo.com/", Method.GET, "*/*") { HttpRequest request ->
uri.path = "search"
uri.query = [q: "foobar"]
request.getParams().setParameter("http.socket.timeout", 1);
However request.getParams() has been deprecated.
For the life of me I can't find a way to inject a proper RequestConfig into the builder.
Try this, I'm using 0.7.1:
import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder
import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig
import org.apache.http.config.SocketConfig
import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients
def timeout = 10000 // millis
SocketConfig sc = SocketConfig.custom().setSoTimeout(timeout).build()
RequestConfig rc = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectTimeout(timeout).setSocketTimeout(timeout).build()
def hc = HttpClients.custom().setDefaultSocketConfig(sc).setDefaultRequestConfig(rc).build()
def site = 'https://search.yahoo.com/'
def http = new HTTPBuilder(site)
http.client = hc
# eg. usage