
SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.' grunt-copy

First of all, I'm new with grunt and angularjs, basically it is my first real project. I like to use continuous integration, because of that I decide to use grunt to structure my distribution code.

I use the grunt-contrib-copy ( with the follow Gruntfile.js file configuration:

module.exports = function(grunt) {

// Load grunt tasks automatically

// Time how long tasks take. Can help when optimizing build times

// Define the configuration for all the tasks

    // Automatically inject Bower components into the app
    bowerInstall : {
        target : {
        src : [ 'index.html' ],
        exclude : [
            'bower_components/raphael/raphael-min.js' ]

    // Copies remaining files to places other tasks can use
    copy : {
        html : {
        src : 'index.html',
        dest : 'dist/index.html'
        angular : {
        expand : true,
        cwd : 'app',
        dest : 'dist/app',
        src : [ '**/*.js' ]
        bower : {
        expand : true,
        cwd : 'bower_components',
        dest : 'dist/bower_components',
        src : [ '**/*.*' ]
        assets : {
        expand : true,
        cwd : 'assets',
        dest : 'dist/assets',
        src : '**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif,css}'
        views : {
        expand : true,
        cwd : 'views',
        dest : 'dist/views',
        src : '**/*.html'

    targethtml : {
        dist : {
        files : {
            'dist/index.html' : 'dist/index.html'

    compress : {
        main : {
        options : {
            mode : 'tgz',
            archive : 'target/geneBlab.tgz'
        files : [ {
            expand : true,
            src : '**/*',
            cwd : 'dist/',
            dot : true
        } ]

grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'copy' ]);


My structure folder is:

  |   |...      
  |   |...

Before I run the grunt command, I have structured it correctly into dist folder, but unfortunately when I try to open the index.html firebug, it shows me the follow error into all javascript files: SyntaxError: expected expression, got '.'

One of my angular javascript files:

'use strict';


        function($scope, $http, $routeParams, dnaToolsService) {

             * VARIABLES

             * Control the input/output flow
            $scope.status = 'input';

            $scope.dna = new Object();

            $scope.openDetails = new Array();


             * Calculate the dna sequence result
            $scope.calculateResult = function($dna) {

            $scope.dna = callGetSpeciesUsingDna();

            $scope.status = 'output';

            // Start the array to hide and show details
            for (var index = 0; index < $scope.dna.speciesList.length; index++) {


             * Show the data detail
            $scope.showDetails = function($index, $simpleDetail) {
            $scope.openDetails[$index] = ($scope.openDetails[$index] == false) ? true
                : false;

             * Back the page to input
            $scope.back = function() {
            $scope.status = 'input';


            function callGetSpeciesUsingDna() {
            return dnaToolsService.getSpeciesUsingDna();

            this.params = $routeParams;

        } ]);

Why is it happen?

Thanks for the time ;)


  • You believe the problem is because of the plugin version? :D

    I'm use the grunt-copy and this plugin was decrepated...I changed the plugin for grunt-contrib-copy and all start works correctly :O

    Link ref:

    Thanks all.