
LocomotiveCMS: Page not pushable

I have already asked this on the LCMS Google Group, but the post got 3 views in a week and I can't continue my project with an entire page missing...

I have been getting an error when trying to push a specific page on wagon 1.5.4 on locomotivehosting and on my own hosting server. Everything works fine on the local wagon serve.

Warning: NOT all the pages were pushed. Check that the pages inheritance was done right OR that you translated all your pages.

The strange thing is that it works on some pages that are almost identical (see below). My original problem was with the "elektronik-entwicklung" page.

Image: some pages were uploaded, but not all.

What I have tried:

I tried updating a lot of almost identical pages just with varying names and slugs, only to find out that there was no system behind the choice of which pages got uploaded (e.g. "l-entwicklung.liquid" got pushed, but "a-entwicklung.liquid" didn't get pushed; cf. image on Google Group post).

The files I created to test have the same content, just the corresponding slugs are different. E.g.:

title: Elektronik
slug: elektronik-entwicklung
listed: true
published: true

{% extends engineering/engineering-subpage %}

Any ideas?


  • After a lot of pain, I finally decided to upgrade the whole thing to locomotivecms 3.0 and wagon 2.0. This solved the problem.