the pop-up menu seems empty at first and after closing and reopening the menu the variables show up. how can I change it to show it in the first opening. this is the code :
% --- Executes on selection change in popupmenu2.
function popupmenu2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to popupmenu2 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hints: contents = cellstr(get(hObject,'String')) returns popupmenu2 contents as cell array
% contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from popupmenu2
% Identify the first popupm menu selected option
% not strictly necessary, just used to generare the messsage box text
% Idetify the selected option in the second popupmenu
% Test the second popup menu selection:
%if opt == 1: the default output file has been selected
if(opt == 1)
% Insert here the code to save the output in the default output file
Say you have your menu defined as Pop=uicontrol('style','popupmenu','string',' ');
then anywhere in the code, where Pop
is accessible you can use one of the lines:
%// assign only 2 number to the Pop menu
set(Pop, 'string', {num2str(val1); num2str(val2)});
%// assign only 2 numbers with labels to the Pop menu
set(Pop, 'string', {...
['Val1 = ' num2str(val1)]; ...
['Val2 = ' num2str(val2)]});
Or you can make it more readable and flexible by, for example:
Pop_string = get(Pop, 'string'); %// Read actual String in Pop
Pop_string{3} = ['Val3 = ', Val3]; %// Update 3rd element
set(Pop, 'String', Pop_string); %// Update the String in Pop
I've made a sample code using anonymous functions, see details here: Access nested functions from GUI:
close all,clc
Pop=uicontrol('style','popupmenu','string',' ');
'callback',@(s,a)PushReset(),'position',[5 1 1 1].*get(Pop,'position'));
'callback',@(s,a)PushUpdate(),'position',[10 1 1 1].*get(Pop,'position'));
function PushReset() %// Resets the Pop's list
N=ceil(5*rand(1)); %// The menu will have 1 to 5 entries
for ii=1:N
Labels{ii}=['Val' num2str(ii) ' = ' num2str(rand)]; %// assign 'Val(ii) = ' label and random value to the list
set(Pop,'string',Labels) %// display the list in Pop's menu
function PushUpdate() %// Change one (randomly selected) value in Pop's menu
PopString=get(Pop,'string'); %// get actual List of entries
N=size(PopString,1); %// find it's size
ii=ceil(N*rand); %// pick one random element
Line=PopString{ii}; %// read the chosen line
Line=regexp(Line,' ','split'); %// extract the label
Line=[Line{1},' ',Line{2},' ',num2str(rand)]; %// update the line
PopString{ii}=Line; %// update the line
set(Pop,'string',PopString); %// send updated list to the Pop menu