I'm having two post categories in my project, and both categories are using different views. I'm using fishpig plugin to add and categorize post, But both the category posts are using the same view.phtml template for displaying the post.
<reference name="content">
<block type="wordpress/post_view" name="wp.post.view" template="wordpress/post/view.phtml">
<block type="core/text_list" name="post.content.before" as="before_post_content" />
<block type="core/text_list" name="post.content.after" as="after_post_content">
<block type="wordpress/post_meta" name="wp.post.view.meta" as="meta" after="-" template="wordpress/post/meta.phtml">
<action method="setDisplayPreviousNextLinks"><display>1</display></action>
<block type="wordpress/post_view_comment_wrapper" name="wp.post.view.comments" as="comments" template="wordpress/post/view/comment/wrapper.phtml">
<block type="wordpress/post_view_comments" name="wp.post.view.comments.list" as="comment_list" template="wordpress/post/view/comments.phtml" />
<block type="wordpress/post_view_comment_pager" name="wp.post.view.comments.pager" as="pager"/>
<block type="wordpress/post_view_comment_form" name="wp.post.view.comments.form" as="form" template="wordpress/post/view/comment/form.phtml">
<block type="core/text_list" name="wp.post.view.comments.form.before_end" as="before_form_end" />
Is there any way to split up the post view?
The best way to do this would be to use 2 different post types rather than splitting the posts by category. This would allow you to have a separate template for each post type quite easily.
If you want to use categories, you would need to customise the view.phtml and add a check to see what category the current post is in and then display the appropriate content.