
Multiple endpoints , NServicebus vs Rhino Bus

I am pretty new to both NServiceBus and Rhino Bus - and I am wondering if multiple endpoints will solve my problem. I want the following: 1. Have an endpoint for Invoicing messages, that runs only 1 thread at the time 2. Have another endpoint for EDI messages (~reading incoming files for electronic data interhage), only 1 thread here too. 3. All other messages should goe to a 'default' endpoint with multiple threads. 4. The clients should not be aware of the endpoints. They should just publish to a 'bus gateway' (unicastbus ?) 5. I do not want to register messaghandlers by convention. All registering must be done explicitly in code.

Is this possible to do in nservice bus and rhino bus ? Can anyone give me examples ?


  • Lars-Erik,

    In NServiceBus, you'd need to configure the clients to send the appropriate messages to the relevant endpoints. The "bus" is not a central physical endpoint that everybody talks to (otherwise it would have been a broker).

    With respect to registering message handlers, NServiceBus does this automatically. Can you explain more why you need to register them manually? That being said, if you do want to register them yourself, you can - before calling NServiceBus.Configure.With() and then explicitly pass in the assemblies or types you want NServiceBus to scan (at the very least, pass in the NServiceBus assemblies as there are message handlers and other things that need to be loaded for NServiceBus to work).