I would like to read content via TypoScript and render it through a custom Fluid template. Without css_styled_content or fluid_styled_content.
temp.test = CONTENT
temp.test {
table = tt_content
select.languageField = 1
select.selectFields = bodytext,image,header,header_link
select.where = colPos = 1
renderObj {
file = path/to/Teaser.html
This works with strings, say
But not with
returning only the number of images.
Now, in a classic TypoScript RenderObj (maybe a COA), you would have added something like
10 = FILES
10 {
required = 1
references {
table = tt_content
fieldName = image
renderObj = IMAGE
renderObj {
file.import.data = file:current:originalUid // file:current:uid
file.height = 327c
//stdWrap.typolink.parameter.data = file:current:link
altText.data = file:current:description // file:current:title // file:current:alternative
While nowadays, we want to do that in the Fluid template. But how to resolve the FAL image to pass it to the fluid template?
You should be able to use the TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
data processor that will fetch the file data for you so you can access it with {files}
in your template.
renderObj {
file = path/to/Teaser.html
dataProcessing {
10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor
10.references.fieldName = image