
How I can make the JTable ignore the enter key?

I have set a default button action in my JFrame, but it isnt executed when I am focused in the JTable.

How can I make the JTable ignore the enter key so the form can execute the default button?

Edit: A little more info: The inside of my JFrame is dynamic, it can have different components according to some status: sometime it will have an insert and update buttons, other time it can have a select button. According to the status, different buttons can be selected as the default button. The JTable is a generic component used in various frames - it dont even know if tere are buttons, it is there only to have one of this lines selected. All the pieces put together (jtable, buttons, etc), the default button defined, I want it to be triggered when Enter is pressed, not the column of the JTable changing to other columns.


  • table.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT)
                                       .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ENTER"), "none");

    Let's split this line of code up into two steps.

    Step 1:


    Every JComponent has a few InputMaps. An InputMap is basically a way of mapping KeyStrokes to actions.

    The getInputMap() method takes an argument condition, which can be one of three values, WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW, WHEN_FOCUSED and WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT. These are constants declared in the JComponent class, and correspond to the different states a component can be in. A JComponent has an InputMap for each state. So there is a different InputMap for a component that is focused than when it isn't focused but is inside a window that is.

    -- Note that calling getInputMap() without arguments is just a convenience method for getInputMap(WHEN_FOCUSED). --

    Step 2:

    .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ENTER"), "none");

    Now that we have the right InputMap, we want to put something into it right!? So what do we put in it? Well, it's a map so it needs a key and a value.

    In an InputMap the key is a KeyStroke, in this case we have specified the ENTER key by calling KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ENTER").

    The value is a String that gives the name of an Action.

    An InputMap is usually used in conjunction with an ActionMap. The value in an InputMap is the key in an ActionMap. We provided our InputMap with the value "none", and since there is no Action called "none" contained in the ActionMap, nothing will happen.

    So, all in all, we've told the JTable to do nothing when the ENTER key is pressed.

    More info on Key Bindings here.

    I hope this helps :)