
PHP mktime and timezone

I'm working on some time related features and I opt to always use UTC times and store time stamps as integers for consistency.

However, I noticed that when I use mktime it seems that the currently set time zone has an influence of the return value of mktime. From the documentation I understand that mktime is supposed to return the number of seconds since epoch:

Returns the Unix timestamp corresponding to the arguments given. This timestamp is a long integer containing the number of seconds between the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) and the time specified.

However, it seems that mktime is including the time zone that is currently set. When using the following code:

$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2016 );
echo "{$time}\n";

$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2016 );
echo "{$time}\n";

I would expect the two time vales to be same but apparently they are not:


Which seems to be exacly an 11 hour difference:

1451606400 - 1451566800 = 39600 / (60*60) = 11

What do I not understand correctly about mktime and/or why is the time zone taken into account when using mktime?


  • I can't tell you why it is the way it is (PHP has never made sense to me when it comes to date and time) but there is an alternative function gmmktime() which is

    Identical to mktime() except the passed parameters represents a GMT date. gmmktime() internally uses mktime() so only times valid in derived local time can be used.

    There is also a comment on the PHP documentation for this function which explains how mktime(), gmmktime() and time() work. Essentially, they assume that you always think in time zones even if a UNIX timestamp itself doesn't carry a timezone.