I've created a new project to deploy my sources in ubuntu. My workspace, generated by a jenkins extraction is in a webserver. I've installed deployer in this webserver to put in another server my sources validated by jenkins.
I made a "deploy" directory into the project which includes the receipe directory, the deploy.php, and the servers.yml
I've downloaded the receipe directory because i didn't understand what the receipe/common.php is about : https://github.com/deployphp/deployer/blob/master/recipe/common.php
Here is my deploy.php :
require 'recipe/common.php';
set('repository', 'git@xx.xx.xx.xx:/opt/git/intranetv2.git');
Here is my servers.yml :
host: xx.xx.xx.xx
user: administrateur
public_key: "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
private_key: "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
password: "aaaaa"
stage: production
deploy_path: "/var/www/intranet"
branch: master
I don't understand why it rejects me when i do :
dep deploy:release production
It is unable to connect with the given credentials.
Does it working then you do it by hands? Do you have password on keys?