I'm playing around with Unity 5's Networking HLAPI. I don't want to use the NetworkManager, because I don't want to pay for Unity's Multiplayer services (Matchmaker and Relay servers).
I'm trying to spawn a Player on the Client when the Client connects to the Server. I can get the Client to correctly connect to the Server, but the spawning fails on the Client with the following error:
Failed to spawn server object, assetId=b861a662c70615a40971e7bab10e4e14 netId=1
Note that on the Server, the player object correctly spawns.
Minimal repro:
I'm in a Unity 2D project and I've attached the following script to my Main Camera:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkSystem;
public class MenuMinimalRepro : MonoBehaviour
private NetworkClient networkClient;
void OnGUI()
if (this.networkClient != null && this.networkClient.isConnected)
GUI.Label(new Rect(100, 25, 150, 25), "Running as Client");
else if (NetworkServer.active)
GUI.Label(new Rect(100, 25, 150, 25), "Running as Server");
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 25, 150, 25), "Start as Client"))
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 50, 150, 25), "Start as Server"))
public void StartServer()
NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.AddPlayer, OnAddPlayerServer);
public void StartClient()
this.networkClient = new NetworkClient();
this.networkClient.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnectedClient);
this.networkClient.Connect("localhost", 54321);
// Connected handler for the client side
public void OnConnectedClient(NetworkMessage netMsg)
ClientScene.AddPlayer(this.networkClient.connection, 0);
// AddPlayer handler for the server side
public void OnAddPlayerServer(NetworkMessage netMsg)
AddPlayerMessage msg = netMsg.ReadMessage<AddPlayerMessage>();
GameObject newPlayer = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Player"));
NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(netMsg.conn, newPlayer, msg.playerControllerId);
My Player object is a simple sprite that I've made into a Prefab with the NetworkIdentity component (see my Prefab in the Inspector). My Player Prefab is in a Resources folder so that I can load it easily from code (see my Prefab in the Project View).
I launch a background instance of the game (using Ctrl+B) and I start it as the Server, and then I click the Play button in Unity Editor and start that instance as the Client. Unity then reports the error I mentioned earlier.
Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
I've figured it out. What happens is that the Server tells the client which Prefab to instantiate by giving it a hash (as seen in the error message). The problem is, that hash means nothing to the Client until you've registered your Prefab with the UNet system.
So, all I needed to do was call ClientScene.RegisterPrefab(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Player"))
just before the call to ClientScene.AddPlayer(...)
in the example in my question.
Hope this helps someone!