How can I add Custom tools to kendo editor toolbar
I want to add spell checker, Media manager and Cut,Copy , Paste, and cut from word, copy from word and some more tools also.
I am using Kendo editor in MVC application.
I am using a custom tool for adding a link references within the application by searching them from the already existing ones.
Here you are a code snipped from my source
.Tools(tools => tools
.CustomButton(cb => cb
.Name("Add link to article")
.ToolTip("Add link to article")
.ImageBrowser(imageBrowser => imageBrowser
.Read("Read", "ImageBrowser")
.Create("Create", "ImageBrowser")
.Upload("Upload", "ImageBrowser")
.Thumbnail("Thumbnail", "ImageBrowser")))
So these are my configurations for the editor. I think you are interested only from .CustomButton(cb => cb.Name / this is necessary/ cb.Exec / also neccesary /. In Exec, you pass the name of your JS function that should be executed when the button is clicked. You can connect your JS than with ajax to your controllers. I will share you mine.
function execFunction(e) {
$.get('/Articles/BuildLinkView', null, function(data) {
$('#addLinkHolder').css('display', 'table-cell');
Than you can do whatever you wish with it when you bind it to the controller.
I hope that this solves you issue. If not, please provide additional info