
Apache Drill Schema Support for SQL Server

I want to know whether Apache Drill supports only dbo schema?? or will it support all type of schema?

I am running my system in window 8 and with latest version of Drill(1.5) with embedded mode.

I am trying to search with same storage plugin.

My Storage Plugin(for SQLServer):

  "type" : "jdbc",
  "driver" : "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver",
  "url" : "jdbc:sqlserver://<servername>;databaseName=<databasename>",
  "username" : "<username>",
  "password" : "<****>",
  "enabled" : true

This Plugin has dbo & core schema (both have same type, no special permission).Its work for dbo schema where core schema is not working.

DBO Query:

select * from SqlServer.dbo.Attribute; //Its working.

Core Query:

select * from SqlServer.core.Users //Its not working

My question is whether Drill Supports only dbo schemna or all type of schema?


  • select * from <StoragePluginName>.<databaseName>.<schemaName>.<tableName>;


    seleect * from SqlServer.Test.core.Category;

    This query will work for all type of user created schemas. But for dbo(default) schema Databases name is not required. If you write database name while query through dbo schema, it will through error.

    --> But This not the good solution. Because every time we have check for schema (default or user created schema). If it has dbo (default schema) then database name is not required in query. And If it has core (user created schema) schema then we have to give database name after Storage Plugin.