I would like to write a data frame in a Google spreadsheet with the googlessheets
package but the rownames isn't written in the first column.
My data frame looks like this :
> str(stats)
'data.frame': 4 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Offensive: num 194.7 87 62.3 10.6
$ Defensive: num 396.28 51.87 19.55 9.19
> stats
Offensive Defensive
Annualized Return 194.784261 396.278385
Annualized Standard Deviation 87.04125 51.872826
Worst Drawdown 22.26618 9.546208
Annualized Sharpe Ratio (Rf=0%) 1.61126 0.9193734
I load the library as recommanded in the documentation, create spreadsheet & worksheet then write the data with the gs_edit_cells
command :
> install.packages("googlesheets")
> library("googlesheets")
> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("dplyr"))
> mySpreadsheet <- gs_new("mySpreadsheet")
> mySpreadsheet <- mySpreadsheet %>% gs_ws_new("Stats")
> mySpreadsheet <- mySpreadsheet %>% gs_edit_cells(ws = "Stats", input = stats, trim = TRUE)
Everything goes well but googlesheets
doesn't create a column with the rownames. Only two columns are created with their data (Offensive and Defensive).
I have try to convert the data frame into a matrix but still the same.
Any idea how I could achieve this ?
Thank you
Doesn't look like there is a row names argument for gs_edit_cells(). If you just want the row names to show up in the first column of the sheet you could try:
stats$Rnames = rownames(stats) ## add column equal to the row names
stats[,c("Rnames","Offensive", "Defensive")] ## re order so names are first
# names(stats) = c("","Offensive", "Defensive") optional if you want the names col to not have a "name"
From here just pass stats to the functions from the googlessheets package just like you did before