
How to calculate date depending on dropdown value and start date in ExtJS?

I want to calculate end date depending on the dropdown list and start date. I use Koala Framework 3.8 (ExtJS 2.3 and Zend 1.12).

enter image description here

If I choose '3' from dropdown and start date is 07.07.2015: enter image description here

Then end date value becomes 07.08.2015 (+1 month, depending on DB field of '3' value): enter image description here

I need something that listens to the change event on the combobox/datefield and sets the date dynamically (depending on DB month of combobox with ajax request or another way).

In steps:

  1. I set combobox value in form and set start date
  2. If 1st step complete values not null select month value from DB (SELECT month from approaches where approachesCount=3 AND ...)
  3. Add selected month value from step 2 to start date
  4. Put 3rd step date to datefield. I can change this date if needed.

How to do this?


  • Finally I did it in this way, maybe it can be done better:

    var Employees = Ext2.extend(Ext2.Panel,
        initComponent : function(test)
            //save context
            var controller = this;
            var documents = new Kwf.Auto.GridPanel({
                controllerUrl   : '/employees/documents',
                collapsible     : true,
                stripeRows      : true,
                title           : 'Recurrent training',
                gridConfig: {
                    selModel: new Ext2.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel()
                listeners: {
                    loaded: function() {
                        //get gripdpanel autoform
                        var autoForm = this.getEditDialog().getAutoForm();
                        //add form render event actions
                        autoForm.on('renderform', function(form) {
                            //get fields
                            var typeId = form.findField('typeId');
                            var startDate = form.findField('startDate');
                            //add select event to ComboBox
                            typeId.on('select', function(typeId, record, index) {
                                //get start date
                                var startDateValue = startDate.getValue();
                                //function call with autoform context
                      , startDateValue,;
                            //add select event to DateField
                            startDate.on('select', function(startDate, date) {
                                //get id type
                                var typeName = typeId.getValue();
                                //function call with autoform context
                      , date, typeName);
                            //add keyup event to DateField
                            startDate.on('keyup', function(startDate, e) {
                                //if valid
                                if(startDate.isValid()) {
                                    //get start date
                                    var startDateValue = startDate.getValue();
                                    //get id type
                                    var typeName = typeId.getValue();
                                    //function call with autoform context
                          , startDateValue, typeName);
        changeDateType: function(date, type){
            //get end date
            var endDate = this.findField('endDate');
            //if both values not empty
            if(!Ext2.isEmpty(date) && !Ext2.isEmpty(type)){
                //do ajax with:
                //url - catalog url
                //params - id type
                    url: '/flightchecks/flightcheck/json-load',
                    params: { id: type },
                    success: function(response, options, result) {
                        //get months from result
                        var months =;
                        //create new date and plus returned months
                        var newDate = date.add(Date.MONTH, months);
                        //set new date