I have a field inside the WordPress admin area, in the post-new.php section.
I use the latest version of WordPress, as well as the Advanced Custom Fields plugin so that I can write out this field in header.php
I use this field for the og:video
tag, so that I can easily output a secure video url.
The problem is, the default field value is https, and so that I can recall it, the video url must always start with https.
When I click the publish button, the database saves this value, such that the og secure url in a blank state will only be https.
For example:
<meta property="og:video" content="https://www.neocsatblog.info/jwplayer/player.swf?file=https%3A%2F%2F&autostart=true&skinName=newtube&skinURL=https%3A%2F%2Fneocsatblog.info%2Fskinning-sdk%2Ffive%2Fnewtube%2Fnewtube.xml" />
This is a problem, because I don't want a blank video in the post for Facebook.
As such, I need to check two things in the header:
?If both the conditions are met, the code should output the url.
Current php code:
$video_url = get_field('video_url');
if (isset($video_url)) {
$meta1='<meta property="og:video:type" content="application/x-shockwave-flash" />';
$meta2=' <meta property="og:video" content="https://www.neocsatblog.info/jwplayer/player.swf?file='.urlencode($video_url).'&autostart=true&skinName=newtube&skinURL='.urlencode($skinURL).'" />';
echo $meta1;
echo $meta2;
if (isset($video_url) && $video_url !== "https://") {