
How to compare 2 passwords in java?

I'm working on a project with a registration form. The form asks the user to enter a password of their choice in a JPassword Field, and to enter it again in another JPassword Field.

I'm using a JOptionPane to prompt the user if the passwords do not match. but when i use passwordField.getPassword().toString() on the two, they don't match. I have tried entering a basic "12345" for example on both but i still have no luck.

i know you should use .equals(), but what is the equivalent to this for "not equals" without using the "!=" operator.

here is the following code.

    if(e.getSource() == submit)
        String name = nameTextField.getText();
        String address = addressTextField.getText();
        String phoneNumber = numberTextField.getText();
        String dob = datePicker.getDateFormatString();
        String password = passwordField.getPassword().toString();
        String password2 = passwordFieldTwo.getPassword().toString();

            //If the user leaves the field empty
            if(name == null || address == null || phoneNumber == null || dob == null 
                || password == null || password2 == null)
                //Error message appears to prompt the user to 
                //complete the form
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "All fields must be complete to submit.", "Woops", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

            if(password != password2)
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Passwords do not match.", "Woops", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

Any help with this would be much appreciated.


  • The != related to equals() for String comparison is expressed by !x.equals(y)

    As an example lets take your code, to see if the two passwords not match do the following:

    if (!Arrays.equals(passwordField.getPassword(), passwordFieldTwo.getPassword())) {
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Passwords do not match.", "Woops", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);