I am building an iOS app and using Typhoon framework for dependency injection. I currently have the framework included by source (ie. git submodule), and the Typhoon.framework
is linked to my compiled binary. However, when I try to create my first assembly, I get the error Ambiguous reference to member 'withClass'
which highlights the TyphoonDefinition
Looking at error details, I see these three "candidates" found. I'm lost as to why it thinks there are three different kinds of TyphoonDefinition, if that's indeed what this means:
Any ideas as to how to either (1) resolve the ambiguity, or (2) get more information about the "candidates", the error, or anything else?
This appears to have been some kind of build artifact issue that persisted between my attempt to deploy Typhoon with Carthage and then later as a subproject (I decided against using Carthage because one of my other deps was only available via CocoaPods, and this issue began when I re-connected Typhoon just via source). I cleaned everything that could be cleaned (build dir, derived data, Xcode caches, etc) and it appears to have gone away.