
Haxe download claims to have Lineage.gen trojan in it

I am setting myself up with FlashDevelop, and i went to download and install Haxe (which is the language i want to use) from this page (the windows installer), when my Windows Security Essentials said that Lineage.gen got stuck in my win32 directory from the downloaded installer (i didn't even run it yet). Did i download from the wrong site? Is it a false positive?


  • From the front page of the official site:

    It seems that the Windows Installer is reported as infected by some antivirus software. This is a false report and you can safely run the program on your system: if it happens, please contact the antivirus' vendor so they can fix the issue as soon as possible.

    This isn't that unusual. Unfortunately, there's no way to be 100% sure it's safe. The site could have been hacked by a criminal cartel - but it seems unlikely to be the case. If you're worried, try to find someone else who has downloaded it recently to vouch for it.