I am working on App slicing feature and set all images in asset, i need to check that feature without uploading on Appstore.
Is that possible? is there any way by which we can get .IPA file and check it's size or resources.
If you want to check the size of application '.ipa' file.
Just follow the following steps.
Click the Export button, select an export option, and click Next. To distribute your app to users with designated devices, select “Save for Ad Hoc Deployment.” The app will be code signed with the distribution certificate.
To distribute your app for internal testing, select “Save for Development Deployment.” The app will be code signed with your development certificate.
In the dialog that appears, choose a team from the pop-up menu and click Choose. If necessary, Xcode creates the needed signing identity and provisioning profile for you.
In the Device Support dialog, choose whether to export the universal app or a variant for a specific device, and click Next.
In the dialog that appears, review the app, its entitlements, and the provisioning profile. The ad hoc provisioning profile should begin with the text XC Ad Hoc:. The team provisioning profile should begin with the text [platform] Team Provisioning Profile: [App ID]
6.Review the build options, and click Next.
7.If you request a manifest file, enter details about your web server in the “Distribution manifest information” dialog that appears. Enter the following information:
8.Enter a filename and location for the file, and click Export.