How to parse the json to retrieve a field from output of
kubectl get pods -o json
From the command line I need to obtain the system generated container name from a google cloud cluster ... Here are the salient bits of json output from above command :
click here to see entire json output
So the top most json key is an array : items[] followed by where the search critera value of that compound key is "web" (see above image green marks). On a match, I then need to retrieve field
which so happens to have value :
web-controller-5e6ij // I need to retrieve this value
I want to avoid text parsing output of
kubectl get pods
which is
mongo-controller-h714w 1/1 Running 0 12m
web-controller-5e6ij 1/1 Running 0 9m
Following will correctly parse this get pods
command yet I feel its too fragile
kubectl get pods | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f1
After much battling this one liner does retrieve the container name :
kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{.items[?("web")]}'
when this is the known search criteria :
items[] == "web"
and this is the desired field to retrieve
items[] : "web-controller-5e6ij"