Is it possible to diff
or even vimdiff
two very similar subroutines occurring in the same file? If so, how?
I can think of copying the two subroutines in two separate files and then diff
them, but is there a way to do it within the original file?
You cannot do this within the original file, but you can do this without using separate files, only separate buffers. This should work if you copied one subroutine in register a
(for example, with "ay
typed in Visual mode) and other subroutine in register b
enew | call setline(1, split(@a, "\n")) | diffthis | vnew | call setline(1, split(@b, "\n")) | diffthis
To automate:
let g:diffed_buffers = []
function DiffText(a, b, diffed_buffers)
setlocal buftype=nowrite
call add(a:diffed_buffers, bufnr('%'))
call setline(1, split(a:a, "\n"))
setlocal buftype=nowrite
call add(a:diffed_buffers, bufnr('%'))
call setline(1, split(a:b, "\n"))
function WipeOutDiffs(diffed_buffers)
for buffer in a:diffed_buffers
execute 'bwipeout! ' . buffer
nnoremap <special> <F7> :call DiffText(@a, @b, g:diffed_buffers)<CR>
nnoremap <special> <F8> :call WipeOutDiffs(g:diffed_buffers) | let g:diffed_buffers=[]<CR>
Note that you may want to set hidden
option if Vim refuses to abandon changed file (see :h abandon