
RHEL5 - Install davfs from srpm - error with neon 0.30.0

I'm using an old RHEL5 system and trying to install davfs from source. I don't have the option of upgrading the entire system to a newer version, so I am stuck with what I have.

This is what I have tried so far:

This is where I am stuck. I tried looking at the .patch files included under ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/davfs2-1.4.7, but couldn't figure out if the patch shown on 1115037.html was included in the srpm. If it was not, how do I update the patch and build it successfully?

I have tried installing davfs binary. It installs fine, but mount fails with SSL handshake error or SSL version mismatch error due to old SSL libraries. This is why I am trying to build from source.


  • That line means take the %patch1 line out of the specfile. But if you look lower in the patch, it re-adds it with the -p1 parameter. That patch edits the first patch file and the specfile:

     davfs2-1.4.7-neon-0.30.patch |   47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
     davfs2.spec                  |    8 +------

    So you need to try applying ALL the patches in that email.