
Adempiere - How can I create notification due to certain condition through Notice?

I have an Internal Use Inventory Window.

The schema process is that there are 3 people who are in charge of handling Internal Use Inventory.

They are Requester, Andrew and Richard.

When a requester request 5 items via Internal Use Inventory and complete the document,

The document will be delivered to Andrew so that he can approve it.

After document approved by Andrew, it'll be delivered to Richard. As Logistic man he checks whether there's enough stock or not.

Turns out the stock is only 3. So he's not approving the document because the stock is lack.

Thus, the document status become 'Not Approved'.

If the document 'Not Approved', there's a notification to Andrew that the document is not Approved because the stock available cannot fulfill the stock requested by the User.

How can I make the notification itself ? is it through Notice ?

How can I make the notification through Notice? as I have browse the internet but I still have no idea on how to do it.

Your answer will be much appreciated, Thank you :)


  • The Notices functionality is intended for System related messaging.

    For the process related messages you indicated you would use the Workflow processes and there are some examples in the Garden World demo customer. The Process_Requisition workflow gives you a basic example of something along the lines that you requested.