
JqGrid data array indexes

I'm trying to load data array as JQGrid data, but indexes in array starts from about 40000 and actually are ids of elements.

Example array structure:

 array[45698] = array('id' => 45698, 'data', ..);

Is it possible to set JQGrid to see these elements?


  • The question isn't super clear but I will take a stab here.

    I think you are saying that you have an array of 45698 objects and you only want to see 5698 of those objects? If that is correct then you can filter the data into jqGrid like this:

    Create a function that does something like this:

    filtered = $.grep(array, function(value) {
                  var iId = parseInt(value.id)
                  return iId > 40000;

    Then run the filter on your data before you set the data to jqGrid:

    var filteredData = runFilter();
     data: filteredData,....


    Lastly, I suggest using free-jqgrid, the example above is written using that fork. However if you insist on using the original jqgrid then please see here for example on how to do it with jqgrid v4.6