I'm using XSLTforms on exist-db server and I'm trying to load a file with method="post" with no luck at all. Here is an example of the model:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ev="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" xmlns:xf="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms">
<xf:instance xmlns="" id="default">
<xf:submission id="read-from-file" method="post" replace="instance" instance="default">
<xf:resource value="'../data/test.xml'"></xf:resource>
And here is the test.xml I'm trying to submit:
When I trigger the submission, I get error:
xsltforms.js:8115 POST ../data/test.xml 400 (Unknown XML root element: data)
If "get" method is used instead, everything works great, as long as the file is small enough - if I try to load a bigger file with method="get" initially it's loaded, but after it's loaded once and try to reload it, I get error "414 (Request-URI Too Long)". I searched for an answer and the advise was that in this case the right way is to use "post". I'm new in xforms and obviously I do something wrong, so I need help to make this work... Thank you in advance!
When dealing with submission issues, it is interesting to use a browser debugger just to check what is sent and what is received.
The GET method is clearly the one to be used to get a file content, while PUT and POST are there to push content into a file.
By default, the default instance is serialized as GET parameters. I think that this is the reason for the URI too long alert. Since you just want to get a file content, could you please try again with "serialization" attribute set to "none"?