
Spock - mocking external service

I'm very new in spock framework testing and I didn't find any example where I can find needed information. Therefore, I think the best way is to show an example what I need to have.

  1. e.g. test class in spock:

    def "getData" (){ // this is test of getData method from ExternalService
        Result result = externalService.getData()
        result.msg = 'SUCCESS'
  2. Service Class:

    public class ExternalService(){
      private ServiceConnector serviceConnector;
      public Result getData(){
        Result result = serviceConnector.callAndGet(); 
        return result;
  3. Class Data as a Domain Class:

    public class Data {
      private String msg
      private int Id
      // +getters/setters

And now I have getData test and would like to mock the only method callAndGet(). It means every time I call callAndGet I need to have object Data with msg SUCCESS but all other methods from getData method should be called normally.

Is it quite understandable? The question is how can we inject/mock the service class ExternalService into the spock test class?


  • What you need to do is to mock the ServiceConnector class and pass it via constructor (e.g.). See below:

    import spock.lang.*
    class Test extends Specification {
        def 'some spec'() {
                def serviceConnector = Mock(ServiceConnector) {
                    callAndGet() >> new Result(msg: 'SUCCESS')
                def externalService = new ExternalService(serviceConnector)
                Result result = externalService.getData()
                result.msg == 'SUCCESS'
    public class ExternalService {
      private ServiceConnector serviceConnector
      public ExternalService(ServiceConnector serviceConnector) {
          this.serviceConnector = serviceConnector
      public Result getData() {
        Result result = serviceConnector.callAndGet()
      private void prepareInformation(Result data) {
      private void updateStatuses(Result data) {
    public class ServiceConnector {
        public Result callAndGet() {
    public class Result {
        String msg