I switched to Flow Router and I have a problem. how can I access the parent template data? with Iron Router the data was coming from router and was available inside the template, so if I wanted to access a parent data Template.parentData() was working. But in Flow Router the data is not coming from router, it comes from helpers and Template.parentData() doesn't have the data in it anymore!
<template name="myTemplate">
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
{{> showPost parentPost }}
{{> newPost }}
parentPost: function(){ return Posts.findOne({...})}
'submit .js-new-post':function(event,template){
You need to pass that data through to the Template.
E.g. {{> newPost parentPost=mydatahere}}
See more here: http://guide.meteor.com/blaze.html#name-data-contexts