I have the below lines of code and sonarqube is saying,
"Change this condition so that it doesn't always evaluate to false"
Below is the line.
if (params.isEmpty() && params == null) {
throw new ServiceSDKException("Parameters cannot be empty or null!");
Below is the whole method in case you need.
public void init(String params) throws ServiceSDKException {
if (params.isEmpty() && params == null) {
throw new ServiceSDKException("Parameters cannot be empty or null!");
String[] configParams = params.split(",");
try {
, "Last will"
, 2, true);
new File("./db").mkdir();
edgeNode = EdgeNodeFactory.createMQTTChannel("./db", options,
subscriptionTask, 500, 500);
isClientConnected = true;
} catch (EdgeNodeException e) {
isClientConnected = false;
throw new ServiceSDKException("EdgeNodeException occurred", e);
if (params.isEmpty() && params == null)
If you've successfully executed params.isEmpty
without throwing a NullPointerException
, then params
is necessarily non-null.
I think perhaps you meant:
if (params == null || params.isEmpty())