
Get kaminari pagination links in the JSON generated by the active model serializer

I am trying to convert @admins to JSON using the AdminSerializer

class AdminSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
  attributes :id, :email, :access_locked?

where Admins is>> @admins = @search.result(:distinct => true).page(params[:page][:number]).per(10) and @search = Admin.search(params[:q])

When I execute this command>> ActiveModel::SerializableResource.new(@admins.to_a).as_json I do get the desired JSON, but the pagination links are missing from the JSON received, as they were lost while converting the @admins to array using to_a. However, when I execute render :json => @admins , I get the complete JSON with the pagination links in it, as shown inn the screenshot below: enter image description here


  • In the latest commit available you need to use:

    resource = ActiveModel::SerializableResource.new(@admins)
    resource.to_json(serialization_context: ActiveModelSerializers::SerializationContext.new(request))