
ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception

I am trying to sync google tasks with my application. For this I have created a class in which I have created all the methods which needs to get task lists and create the list etc.

Now I want to test If these methods are working or not. For this I have created a class which extends an AsyncTask.

I have to pass some parameters in this task as in methods I have parameters. Like in getTaskList(Strig listId). To get tasks from any list I will need to provide an id of a list.

Now when I tried to pass parameters in AsyncTask. While calling it in

result = gTaskSyncer.getTaskList(params[0].toString());

its throwing an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException here.


 public class TestAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Object,Void,List<Task>>{

    private mService = null;
    private Exception mLastError = null;
    private MainActivity activity;
    private client = null;

    public TestAsyncTask(GoogleAccountCredential credential, MainActivity activity) {
        HttpTransport transport = AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport();
        JsonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
        mService = new
                transport, jsonFactory, credential)
                .setApplicationName("Google Tasks API Android Quickstart")
        this.activity = activity;

    protected List<Task> doInBackground(Object... params) {

        GTaskSyncer gTaskSyncer = new GTaskSyncer(activity);

        List<Task> result = new ArrayList<>();

        try {

            result = gTaskSyncer.getTaskList(params[0].toString());

        } catch (IOException e) {

            Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
   Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    Toast.makeText(activity, "No tasks.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        return result;

    protected void onPostExecute(List<Task> output) {
        if (output == null || output.size() == 0) {
            activity.mOutputText.setText("No results returned.");
        } else {
            activity.mOutputText.setText(TextUtils.join("\n", output));


 public class GTaskSyncer

    final MainActivity activity;
    final mService;
    private Exception mLastError = null;

    GTaskSyncer(MainActivity activity) {
        this.activity = activity;
        mService = activity.mService;

    public List<TaskList> getAllTaskList() throws IOException
        List<TaskList> result = new ArrayList<TaskList>();

        TaskLists taskLists = mService.tasklists().list().execute();

        for (TaskList taskList : taskLists.getItems()) {


        return result;


    public TaskList createList() throws IOException

        TaskList taskList = new TaskList();

        taskList =  activity.mService.tasklists().insert(taskList).execute();

        return taskList;

    public Task createTask(String listId) throws IOException

        Task task = new Task();

        task =   activity.mService.tasks().insert(listId, task).execute();

        return  task;

    public Task getTask(String listId,String taskId) throws IOException

        Task task =   activity.mService.tasks().get(listId, taskId).execute();

        return task;

    public List<Task> getTaskList(String listId) throws IOException {

        List<Task> result = new ArrayList<Task>();

        List<Task> tasks = mService.tasks().list(listId).execute().getItems();

        if (tasks != null) {

            for (Task task : tasks) {

        } else {

            Toast.makeText(activity, "No tasks.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        return result;



Also how can I test this? How to provide a listId to method when we call it?


  • An array out of bounds exception is a Java exception thrown due to the fact that the program is trying to access an element at a position that is outside an array limit, hence the words "Out of bounds".


     result = gTaskSyncer.getTaskList(params[0].toString()); // In here Problem 

    Thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index. The index is either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the array.